Opening of Trident House

We finally opened our new Lutheran headquarters at Trident House on 31st October. The Council of Lutheran Churches, the Lutheran Church in Great Britain and the International Lutheran Student Centre invited guests from across the Lutheran and ecumenical community to join them.

Bishop Tor and Bishop Jāna form the Lutheran Church were joined by Bishop Christopher from the Church of England Diocese of Southwark for the liturgical act of commitment of the new space. The service was followed by three short greetings from CLC General Secretary Dr. Anna Krauß, LCiGB Council Chairman Jeff Trinklein and CLC Student Chaplain Rebecca Daniel.

We were joined by trustees, people from across our member churches, the student chaplaincy and some ecumenical friends from the Methodist and United Reformed Church. The house was open for visitors to explore the space late into the afternoon.

We moved on to St Mary’s German Church for a Reformation Day Service. People from four different continents and eleven countries were gathered together as Bishop Tor preached and the Swahili choir lifted the spirits even further with their singing.

The office at Trident House is now open Monday to Friday during normal office hours. Let us know if you want to come and visit, so we can make sure someone can give you a tour! Member Churches can book our rooms for free, but we do ask for a refundable deposit if a meeting happens outside the hours of 9am to 5pm and on weekends. If you are not a CLC member church, please get in touch to find out how you can hire a meeting space or use our recording studio.