We are a communion of churches coming together to further the work of all Lutheran churches in the UK. Each church is closely linked to the church in its country of origin, or one of its synods or dioceses. Each church offers unique ministries and programmes in Britain for the language groups that they serve. Through the Council they have chosen to collaborate in several key areas:

  • Providing spiritual and material assistance to Lutheran churches and projects that are not self-supporting
  • Promoting fellowship and co-operation amongst Lutherans in education, mission and worship
  • Providing information about Lutheranism* and promoting Lutheran participation in ecumenical initiatives
  • Providing student chaplaincy in London.
Members are nominated by the churches that they represent. These members are responsible for managing the affairs of the organisation.
*Amongst other things, Lutheranism is about putting Scripture into the hands of everyone, making it accessible by all and not just a select few.

Our Directors and Trustees

Mr Per Jonsson
Chairman of the Swedish Church in London
The Revd Meelis Süld

General Secretary

General Secretary
The Revd Dr Alun Ford

Chaplain to the Bishop of Southwark

The Revd Silke Halfmann

Pastor of the German Lutheran Ministry London-East

The Rt Revd Paulina Hławiczka-Trotman

Bishop of the Lutheran Church in Great Britain

Email The Rt Revd Paulina Hławiczka-Trotman

The Revd Dag Magnus Hopstock Havgar

Rector and Senior Chaplain of St Olav’s Norwegian Church in London

Email The Revd Dag Magnus Hopstock Havgar

The Revd Karsten Møller Hansen

Vicar of the Danish Church in London

Ms Eerika Omiyale

Social worker at the Finnish Church in London

Mr Paul Renken

Chair of Trustees, St Anne's Lutheran Church
Mining Analyst
